by musictech | Aug 20, 2018 | Studio Monitors, Tutorials
With a little bit of EQ and the right panning you can make your mixes sound almost 3D, that is left, right, forwards and backwards. Here is the tip… Kick drums, Snare drums, Bass guitars & Lead Vocals should be centre positioned in the mix (dead centre). These...
by musictech | Aug 20, 2018 | Live Sound, Tutorials
This tutorial is aimed to help beginners so we have kept the descriptions as free from technical hieroglyphics as we can. The strip is taken from channel 3 on the Behringer XENYX QX2442USB Let’s take a closer look at what the buttons, sliders and dials do on a...
by musictech | Aug 20, 2018 | Live Sound, Tutorials
There are many applications and styles of compressors but for the producer wanting to get the most out of a mix-down it is one of the most important tools they could ever have. WHY IS IT SO? In music there is a term known as dynamics. I remember my old band master...
by musictech | Aug 20, 2018 | Studio Monitors, Tutorials
Three points on acoustically treating your room for recording & monitoring…. 1. Making the most of it: As most of us don’t have the budget to build the dream recording space, it pays to know how to work with what you have and generally it’s a spare room with flat...
by musictech | Aug 20, 2018 | Audio Tech Talk, Live Sound
Upgrading your cables could really improve your end result. Most of us have a growing collection of broken cables sitting in a box somewhere around the studio. Years ago after throwing out dozens of dud leads I decided to take the plunge and buy some good quality...