Cheap vs Quality Signal Cables

Cheap vs Quality Signal Cables

Upgrading your cables could really improve your end result. Most of us have a growing collection of broken cables sitting in a box somewhere around the studio. Years ago after throwing out dozens of dud leads I decided to take the plunge and buy some good quality...
Plain Talk On Studio Monitors

Plain Talk On Studio Monitors

If you can hear it you can fix it.. A good set of monitors in your studio can be the difference between the life and death of your mix, the better the monitor the more you can hear what’s really happening in the playback. The first thing to realise is that...
Auto Tune.. Yes or No?

Auto Tune.. Yes or No?

Is it cheating? As always there is a growing divide of opinion over the advances in music technology and it’s effect on the purity of talent vs the distinctly untalented. Can automatic software band generators and vocal correction tools fool the public into accepting...
Explaining Sound Diffusion

Explaining Sound Diffusion

You’ve got the right monitors, microphones and plugins and your mix sounds great in your room, but….now it’s time for the car playback test!  Your heart sinks as it now sounds very different with all sorts of wayward frequencies swallowing up the clarity of the mix....
Still Made In Australia

Still Made In Australia

Still made in Australia In a world where so many of the gadgets that we use in the pro audio industry are coming out of China in little plastic boxes , it’s great to see an Australian company that still does all it’s own design and manufacturing right here in the land...